To help us use the "robocopy" command more readily we create simple batch files
1) In Windows, open Notepad and enter the following information into the new text file:
set log=C:\tmp\LogName.log
set opts=/NP /XJ /R:0 /COPY:DAT /E /LOG+:%log% /TEE
del /F /Q %log%
robocopy "C:\yourSourceFolder" "F:\yourDestinationFolder" %opts%
Note: "C:\yourSourceFolder" and "F:\yourDestinationFolder" should be replaced with your source and destination folders.
2) Then, save this text file and change the extension to ".bat" to create a DOS batch file.
3) To run, just double click on the .bat file
3) To run, just double click on the .bat file
About the batch file you just created:
First line: defines the name and location to store the log file.
Second line: sets the options required to mirror the data
/NP - turns off the progress of copying of the copying operation
/XJ - excludes junction points (important for user folders on Windows 7, etc.)
/R:0 - sets the retries for failed copies to zero
/COPY:DAT - Specifies the file properties to be copied, DAT is Data, Attributes, and Time stamps
/E - Copies subdirectories (including empty directories)
/LOG+: - Writes the status output to the log file (appends the output to the existing log file)
/TEE - Writes the status output to the console window, as well as to the log file.
Third line: deletes the log file before running.
Fourth line: executes "robocopy" to copy the data from "C:\yourSourceFolder" to "F:\yourDestinationFolder" using the options provide on line two of the batch file.
For more information about robocopy and list of options refer to