Friday, October 25, 2013

Preventing the Java Updater from including the Ask Toolbar in the installer

The Java Updater has an annoying habit of prompting the user to install the Toolbar. This unwanted behavior occurs every time a Java update is released. We found a solution to this that involves modifying the registry, and wrote this small application that does the registry modification for the user. To use it, right-click on the program and select Run as Administrator. Please send any questions to noberg at illinois dot edu. Download link: EXE or ZIP [16 KB]. The source code (Visual Studio 2010, C# project) is also available as a ZIP.


  1. The Windows registry has a feature that if you make a ".reg" file containing edits to be made to the registry, you can double-clicking on it to add them. I'm just wondering why someone would use this executable instead.

  2. For most users, it is more familiar to run an executable than to run a .reg file. Note that the source code is provided.

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