Monday, July 15, 2019

Computing the optimal road trips

If you have a trip will multiple stops and you are having trouble finding an optimal route here are some links to help you.

Optimizing routes (web interactivity):
1) MapQuest [26 locations]:
2) RouteXL[20 locations for free]:

For the more adventurous (coding required):
Genetic Algorithm approach:
from Randal Olson' blog which uses Python with Google Maps:

Using Gurobi solver: 
from Nathan Brixius's blog which uses Python

Using Concorde solver, the world’s best Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) solver:
from Nathan Brixius's blog which uses Python

Monday, July 8, 2019

Flowing Fix: Mathpix Snipping Tool

There are times when you need to replicate an equation or block of text from a PDF file. If the PDF file was converted from a typed file, chances are that the text in the PDF can be selected. However, for equations (and if the PDF is image-based), you were out of luck, until now. Mathpix Snipping Tool is perfect for capturing a screenshot of the equation or text and automatically converts it to LaTeX. It is almost magical, capable of converting typed and handwritten information to LaTeX.
Download Mathpix Snipping Tool for MS Windows, macOS, and Ubuntu from